Saturday, March 29, 2025


Understanding Dual-Flush Toilets

Dual-flush toilets have become a staple in modern bathroom design, offering an efficient solution to water conservation. The idea was first conceptualized by American industrial designer Victor Papanek, who discussed it in his 1976 book "Design For The Real...

Presidential pardon for Edward Henry Pedris after 108 years

A Presidential pardon was granted to Diyunuge Edward Henry Pedris, who was unjustly executed on July 7, 1915 following a wrongful trial by a Court Martial set up by the Governor of Ceylon on 25th June 1915. An extraordinary gazette...

The Double Sunrise: Koggala, Catalinas, and World War II’s Longest Flight

Meet the ‘Double Sunrise’ flight, the record-holder for the longest commercial flight in history! 😳 Back in 1943, this epic journey connected Perth, Australia, and Sri Lanka (known as Ceylon at the time). It served as an important route...

Assessing Nalin de Silva and Jathika Chintanaya

Going by the tributes and condolence messages, going by what everyone is saying and writing, it’s hard to see Nalin de Silva as the polarising figure he was frequently touted to be. Ostracised from the academic establishment – one...

Download Essential Documents for Sri Lankan Passport and Prepare for Online Application

Here is a step-by-step guide for applying for a passport online in Sri Lanka based on the instructions provided: How to Apply for a Passport Online in Sri Lanka Check Eligibility Make sure you meet the eligibility criteria listed in section...

Netherlands to return 06 looted art pieces to Sri Lanka

The Netherlands is set to return 478 cultural objects to Sri Lanka and Indonesia, State Secretary for Culture Gunay Uslu announced on Thursday.  These objects, often referred to as "looted art," were unjustly acquired by the Dutch during their colonial...

’Mahawanshaya’ declared a Word Documentary Heritage by UNESCO

The ‘Mahawanshaya', one of the world's longest unbroken historical accounts presenting Sri Lanka's history in chronological order from the 6th century BCE, has been included by UNESCO in the list of the 64 new items of documentary heritage inscribed...

Why you’ll lose weight in Sri Lanka but not Borneo in gravity study : Nasa reveals

Weight gain is a common complaint of holidaymakers. According to Nasa choosing a different destination could make a difference in how much you weigh. Scientists have recently discovered the reason why travellers to Sri Lanka are lighter, whereas you’ll gain...

Download School Textbooks Sri Lanka

Now you can freely download School Textbooks Sri Lanka, Books of government schools and other educational institutions from the Educational Publications Department website in pdf format.Link :

YouTube now launched in Sinhala

Starting today, if you’re in Nepal, Pakistan or Sri Lanka, you’ll see a new YouTube homepage that’s customized in your local language and domain. YouTube is already available in Nepali, Sinhala and Urdu, and now having country-specific homepages means...
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Indian Ocean Geoid Low: Understanding the Earth’s Largest Gravity Anomaly

The Indian Ocean Geoid Low (IOGL) is a fascinating and complex phenomenon in the field of geophysics, representing the...
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