Forbes has spotlighted the exceptional talent of Dinara Punchihewa, a Sri Lankan actress and filmmaker, in its prestigious 30 Under 30 Asia list for 2024. Punchihewa made her mark in the competitive Bollywood scene back in 2018 by showcasing...
Renowned for his unique comedic singing style, Sandaru Sathsara, the sensation from Sri Lanka, has accomplished an impressive feat by securing a position among the world's Top 100 comedy artists, as per the latest rankings from Chartmetric.
Chartmetric, a...
The premier of Afdhel Aziz's latest documentary film "The Genius of the Place: The Life and Work of Geoffrey Bawa" took place in Colombo on 2023-07-15.
Bawa: The Genius of the Place is a ground-breaking documentary exploring the...
New York City is home to many different museums, including renowned institutions like the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where various exhibitions showcase art and culture from all over the world. However, one...